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LEED® Certification

Sustainable Sites
Credit 7: Light Pollution Reduction (1 Point)

Intent: Eliminate light trespass from the building and site, improve night sky access and reduce development impact on nocturnal environments.

How Window Film Can Play a Role: Window film reduces light trespass from buildings at night since most films reduce light transmission by 50% or more.

Indoor Environmental Quality
Credits 8.1 and 8.2: Daylight and Views (1 to 2 Points)

Intent: Provide a connection between indoor spaces and the outdoor environment through introduction of daylight and views into the occupied areas of the building.

How Window Film Can Play a Role: Solar-control and glare-reduction properties of window films eliminate or help to greatly reduce the need for closed blinds or shades, thus significantly improving the introduction of daylight and connection to the outdoor environment – light reduction from window film is LESS than total view and total light reduction from closed blinds or shades.

Licensed, Bonded & Insured​

Materials and Resources
Credit 2: Optimize Use of Alternative Materials (1 Point)

Intent: Reduce the environmental impact of the materials acquired for use in upgrades of buildings by using local and regional materials.

How Window Film Can Play a Role: The use of local and regional materials reduces pollution and transportation costs associated with the delivery of materials to the job site. Credit is possible if 50% or more of a product is harvested or processed within 500 miles of the LEED Project.

Energy and Atmosphere
Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance (1 to 3 Points)

Intent: Achieve increasing levels of energy performance above the prerequisite Energy Star® Rated Building standard to reduce environmental impacts associated with excessive energy use.

How Window Film Can Play a Role: Window films can provide as much as 5-15% whole building energy savings, enabling improvement in Building Energy Star Rating.

Locally Owned & Operated
32 Years of Experience

Indoor Environmental Quality
Credit 7.1: Thermal Comfort (1 Point)

Intent: Provide a comfortable thermal environment that supports the productivity and well-being of building occupants.

How Window Film Can Play a Role: A majority of building occupants report a significant improvement in thermal comfort after window film installation, due to reduced solar heat gain.

Innovations in Operations and Upgrades
Credit 1: Innovation in Upgrades, Operations, and Maintenance (1 Point)

Intent: Provide the opportunity for LEED® points for additional environmental benefits beyond those in other LEED Rating System areas.

How Window Film Can Play a Role: The up to 99.9% UV Protection provided by many films helps protect occupants and furnishings from harmful and damaging ultraviolet rays. Many window films are recognized by the Skin Cancer Foundation as effective for protection against skin cancer.

How Window Film Can Play a Role: Utilize safety and security films to upgrade existing glass which help protect occupants from injuries due to glass hazards.

How Window Film Can Play a Role: The application of designer films to interior glass for decorative purposes instead of replacing (and disposing of) the existing glass.